About Morim Shlichim


Morim Shlichim are selected talented authentic Israeli teachers who teach in Jewish schools around the world.  A Moreh Shaliach is a personal example and a live Israeli presence in the school. A Shaliach brings Israel alive, provides a dose of Israeli innovation and a window to Israeli culture. The Shlichim have a spark in their eyes and inspire their students with Judaism, Zionism, Hebrew and Israel. 

The Shlichim are all professional teachers, with official certification and experience, dedicated to the art of teaching. All candidates passed a screening process, specifically designed to identify their talents.   Whether it be for teaching Hebrew or teaching about Israel or Judaism, an engaging Israeli Educator – Moreh Shaliach – is an excellent choice. 


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Join the Morim Shlichim Program.

fill out the ‘school request form’

Request Form 

What happens next?

Our staff will evaluate the needs of the applying school and match them with the most suitable candidates. Then our staff will send the school CV’s of the most suitable candidates.  If the school is interested in the offered candidate, they will initiate an interview and do their own choosing process in order to decide whether to offer the candidate a job contract. 

If the school decides they want to hire the candidates, they must make an official job offer and present a contract.  Once the candidate accepts the contract, our staff will help plan the details of the upcoming Shlichut. 


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¿Qué se espera de un Shaliaj de enseñanza?

Cumplir con sus deberes profesionales como maestro de escuela.

Hablar hebreo, traer consigo el hebreo a todas partes.

Traer Israel al aula, contar historias sobre el país, despertar interés en él.

Comunicarse bien y adecuadamente con los padres, compañeros de trabajo y sus superiores.

Resolver problemas por sí solo.

Completar 3-4 años de Shlijut exitosamente, mediante una mejora continua.

Requerimientos básicos

Certificado de enseñanza

 Dos años de experiencia docente formal.

 Si uno de los cónyuges no es maestro y no es seleccionado como Sheliaj deberá contar con un claro horizonte de empleo para él en el país de destino.

Disponibilidad para un mínimo de 2 años en el extranjero